Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dear blog :(

Hiyya blog, how is't going? I bet you're pretty down since i am :( Today's issue : This year's so pathetic. Sebab i only get to bought only ONE cloth for this year so far. Itupun baju beli dekat tesco. My life is not that hard, its just that i think that my parents dont care about me that much. Selagi aku tak mintak selagi tu aku tak dapat. Tak pernah nak tanya aku kalau aku perlukan apa apa. Kasut jalan jalan aku tu hah, sampai dah terkoyak terbelah dua baru dapat yang baru. Itupun untung jugak sebab time tu ayah ada duit. Kalau takde? Satu apa pun aku takde kasut nak pakai kecuali kasut sekolah dengan selipar jamban tu. Nak pakai kasut kakak atau mak tak boleh, sebab tak muat, maklumlah orang gemuk kan. Aku jealous gila bila tengok kawan kawan aku pakai baju lawa lawa bila time kitorang pergi hang. Aku je macam apa, out of style. Kadang kadang malu gila bila keluar dengan dorang, seems like they're outta my league. Dorang semua lawa, dari kepala sampai kaki. Tak macam aku, rambut dahlaa macam anak keling, badan gemuk gedempol, lepas tu kulit aku hitam macam macha. Dorang semua rambut lawa lawa, kurus je, then putih. Bila time hang i always act ecstatic like i'm fine, but on the inside i'm not :( Aku rasa kan, kalau aku lama lama macam ni, aku boleh dapat penyakit kemurungan. This's not a joke, don't laugh. Maybe in 20 years that will happen :( Its just that, my life SUCKS! it sucks so badly! FYI, i'm crying right now but who the hell cares right? I'll be better of dead or something. Nobody cares about me. Above all, nobody cares about your inside. As long as you're pretty on the outside you're fine. People nowdays dont belive in the quotes "don't judge a book by it's cover" For them, its just bullshit. Now, only pretty, thin, people can make it to the top, not people like me. Okay, that's just about it that i like to say, kbye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sangat menarik, terima kasih