Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Yellow peeps, im back from the dead, HAHA XD Well, not having internet in my house is considered death to me, HAHA. Anywayyy, the first thang i do is log in to my facebook acc, then guess what? i've plenty notifications and friend request :O It's like unbelievable, yelaa aku kan loser :'( tak macam korang semua HOT HOT kan? And more thing, my family's at KELANTAN right now, i'm alone in my stupid creepy house. Sepatutnya only my mom gonna go there because she has a meeting there, but she missed her flight, so my dad decided to send her there and stay there until her meeting's over. He brought my sisters too. So now i'm alone. Well technically i'm with my sister nana, but she left the house early morning and come back late for her work. So, i'm like 12 hour by myself lah. I'm so bored, thank god the internet got back yesterday, or i'm DOOM! Dahlaa astro pon takde, grrrr! Then, bila aku bosan anak kucing aku that is browney, cady and oreo jadi peneman aku, HAHA. Kesian kan? hoho :'( And more worse, DEMAM AKU MACAM SIAL! Usually if i had a fever it'll last about a day or two. But this time, it's almost a week now, F! My body's temperature is freakin high! dahlaa ubat takde, grr. All i can do is drink mineral water as much as i can to make the fever weak. So there you go, kbye :)

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